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experience here, anywhere.

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Create a Sense of Place.

Localhippo curates a bespoke mix of goods + experiences to create placemaking-driven gifts for our clients.

Each edition introduces you to a new community through a thoughtfully curated collection of locally made, artisanal products + local experiences. The items inside each gift are beautifully wrapped + presented.

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Give Local.

Localhippo concentrates the power of Edgewood Strategies' placemaking + advocacy for entrepreneurship into custom gifts, which support local businesses + tell cohesive stories about what it means to live, work, travel + do business in communities across the U.S.

We make welcome + renewal gifts at multifamily residential buildings, bachelorette favors, hotel welcome gifts for weddings, corporate gifts, client thank you's + government site selection swag. Localhippo makes a thoughtful, unique gift. 

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Passion for Placemaking.

Localhippo was founded by Sara Maffey - born from her passion for placemaking, support of small businesses + perpetual wanderlust.

Localhippo loves working with our clients to create custom gifts for all occasions, locations, brands + budgets.

Contact us at hello@localhippo.com!